How to install language packs ----------------------------- Nagios Business Process View and Nagios Business Process Analysis are multi lingual (i18n). In the default distribution the only two languages are english and german. But maybe someone else has translated the GUI to Your language. (see available language packs) Make sure You download a language pack in the same version as the AddOns. Otherwise there might be some strange strings appearing in Your GUI. If You downloaded and unzipped a language pack, You find up to 3 files. optional: INSTAL.xx and README.xx This is just a translation of INSTALL and README files. Put them where ever You like. mandatory: i18n_xx.txt Copy this file to the language directory: In version 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 this is the sbin directory of Your installation path (default location /usr/local/nagios-ext/sbin) In version 0.9.2 and above this is the directory share/lang (default location /usr/local/nagiosbp/share/lang) That's it. Next time using the AddOns You have the new language available. If You did configure Your browser to use Your language as default language, the AddOns appear in Your language immediatelly. Otherwise You have to change to Your language by clicking the according link in the lower right corner of each page. No translation in Your language? -------------------------------- Maybe You can translate the GUI and/or documentation to Your language and share the translation with others? Please contact me: